Post by Toothless11 on Jul 31, 2011 16:07:53 GMT -5
What??? Harry potter isn't as good as HTTYD :/. Well then, thats not fair. Its like, you NEED to make a Harry potter story in order to win :/. It seems like HTTYD isn't so popular anymore *sigh*.
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Jul 31, 2011 18:36:56 GMT -5
Yeah, I've never been a big Potter fan. I was extremely upset with the last movie. I found the ending so anti-climatic and anti-dramatic! Lord of the Rings, in my opinion, remains as the best movie series of all time.
I'm not so sure it's that I have to write a Harry Potter, but that it's that I'm not one of the six most popular authors there. Of the 15 catagories, so far the same six or so people are nominated for all the catagories, and they just happen to write only Harry Potter and Star Trek.
I've read some of the stories that are being nominated, and not meaning to toot my own horn, but they have much more spelling and gramatical errors in their stories than mine, yet they are up for best technical writter.
I find the process to be unfair that I have to someone mention my story to be even qualified to be voted on. I can't offer my stories for consideration, someone else has to. That is not how any awards program work. Usually in the Acadamy Awards, the Emmy's, etc, each movie or television program offers their show or movie for consideration, and then they are voted on, and the list is dwindled down to four or five per catagory. Not with these awards, so these fan fiction awards tends to show favoritism towards a few specific writters. There are many readers who will only read their friends works, so they will only nominate their work. For new writters, it's impossible to get recognized. I've been at if for four years, and have gotten nowhere.
Not sure if I am going to try another year of this. Four years of trying to put out something that can be recognized is crazy as it is. After I finish my current stories, I might just quit fan fiction, and go straight into publishing my own stories.
Post by Toothless11 on Jul 31, 2011 18:45:01 GMT -5
I think it's just cuz not a lot of people like HTTYD. If only they read this story and the one that you're working on. They are extremely great. People prefer to go and read more "mature" stuff. Or old, that has been goin on for a few years (Harry potter -_-). I definately think you should win this, or at least get nominated. It's not fair to be nominating authors with the SAME boring story and with more errors. HTTYD is already over a year old, and to me it still feels new. I just hope you end up getting somewhere. I would vote for you, but IDK where the voting page or whatever its called is .
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Jul 31, 2011 19:46:17 GMT -5
Thanks. The awards are over at the Jedi Council Forums.
Yeah, to many people are into the Harry Potter or Twilight junk. That definetly is set against me, that's for sure.
Actually, before starting to write HTTYD, I started a thread to see if there was enough interest to write a HTTYD. I've got a lot of replied, and I even got a few interested in seeing it, and since then have become big fans of HTTYD. It's becoming clear to me it's all about who you know.
The nominations are still in the early stages, so things can still change, but this has not been a good start. I've been trying to fight the way the awards are done and suggest making changes so it's fair to everyone. I suggested awards like: Best Drama, Best Sci-Fi, Best Fantasy, Best Comedy, to open up the field a little.
They took my advice and added those catagories, but guess what? We have Star Trek in Best Comedy and Best drama. Same stories, same author. So now, they can win both of them. I just can't get them to see that their system shows extreme favoritism towards a selected few, and making impossible for everyone else. They had a catagory for best epic (stories over 50,000 words) and I would have qualified for that easily. They just happen to decide to get rid of that catagory this year because there weren't enough out there, even though I counted 4 that would qualify, including 2 of mine.
Well, here's hoping something changes within the next week.
Post by Toothless11 on Jul 31, 2011 23:26:50 GMT -5
What if up you search for more HTTYD forums or page or something? You can also post your fics on DA, just like the abandoned fic that I decided to kind of continue. You can ask people to vote for your story in the description. I really cant believe that when HTTYD came out, a whole bunch of people liked it. When I was going to watch it, I thought it would be dumb or stupid. I came out of the theater amazed and my mind clouded with thoughts of it, and it's been over a year now and it's still my favorite movie and the main thing that I always think about. Very few people have ended up like me. Even the other forum, I most of the time read the old poss of it, and the members that were there seemed even more obsessed with it than all of us that remain, and according to the mod that recently returned, she said that everyone left cuz they didn't like HTTYD anymore. That's the same reason that no ones Reading your story. They prefer to go read more mature, dramatic and stupid stuff. HTTYD is a movie for EVERYONE to see. Unlike Twilight, HP and all of the other lame age 18+ movies out there. Sure, they're popular. But doesn't anyone get tired of them?? I've already watched the twilight movies. They're nice, and somewhat cool. But not as epic as HTTYD. It's definitely not fair that you're losing to one or a few authors that write the same stories with an awful grammar. If people don't like HTTYD, they should at least read your story to see the amazing style that you have, and how you really kept the characters in character (IDK if you understood that XD). I am kind of sure, that one of those other HP or Twilight story's style isn't good, or the characters are out of character. You should at least get SOMEWHERE satisfying, and get a good amount of people amazed by your talent. I still hope something great happens, cuz I know you wouldn't want to write a HP fic XD. Probably when you started that thread, it was in those days that HTTYD was still a new, popular and awesome movie to everyone. I hope you get lucky. Even I'm thinking on MAYBE writing small stories. I was actually gonna start on what i had in mind of chapter 3 of that abandoned fic this morning, if my mom and older sister hadn't arrived from the store. I had to go help them with the stuff, so I didn't have a chance anymore XD. Well I hope you get more people to read and enjoy your story, soon. P.S Wow we're making HUGE posts XD I wish my RP posts can be this long... .
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Aug 1, 2011 18:07:25 GMT -5
I might just do that. We'll see. Just thought I would share this wonder cover art for another story I've been working on at the other two sites. It's not HTTYD, but again, this person really did a good job for me.
Post by Toothless11 on Aug 1, 2011 18:08:56 GMT -5
VERY true. I do like that cover. Nice! XD
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Aug 2, 2011 0:15:42 GMT -5
More nominees have been posted. This process will go on until August 7.
I am finally relieved to discover that Flight of the Shadow Lord (or Trial By Fire as it is known at the other site) has been nominated so far for:
Best Action Best Fantasy Most Underrated Best Villian (Ivar the Fearsome)
I also learned that my first Superman story: The Last Son of Krypton was given a nomination for Most Underrated.
I was really hopping for Most Underrated, but this is beyond what I hoped.
The one thing that I am most proud of is that I am finally competing against a writter who goes by the name of Mastergandalf. He has been writting some off the hook Avatar: The Last Airbender trilogy which was fantastic! I would in no way be upset to loose to someone like him, because he is a very talented writer, who is fantastic in capturing the characters, and I hope he wins the best Technical Writer award, because he writes like pro. Just to have my name in the same catagory as his is a great honor for me. So, I won't mind loosing Best Fantasy in the least. It's the Star Trek that has to go down. LOL!
Post by Toothless11 on Aug 2, 2011 0:24:03 GMT -5
Haha see! What did I tell ya?? You're getting somewhere XD. I dont really think Ivar was a villain. More like a blind and deaf person that didn't want to hear and see the real truth. It was Wolfbane who was the villian, in my opinion. Or the shadow lord, as well XD. It would be EPIC if you actually win all of those catagories XD. Youre getting REALLY close to goal. Good luck! ^^
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Aug 2, 2011 0:33:05 GMT -5
Thanks. I would agree with Ivar not being a villian, but someone voted for him in that catagory, so I'll take it.
With two stories in the Most Underrated, I'd be happy to win just that. Best Fantasy will be tough, since Mastergandalf's story is very popular, and he is a very talented writter. Again, I don't mind to loose to him, because I would definetly agree that he deserves recognition as well. When I vote, I'm not allowed to vote for myself, so I will vote for him.
Post by Toothless11 on Aug 2, 2011 0:36:34 GMT -5
Haha you're welcome ^^ XD. And I thought it would be awesome if you one best fantasy as well, but if you want Mastergandalf to win then it's ok XD. With 1 category won, it's enough XD.
Caught Dragon
Posts: 187
Post by mrjop2 on Aug 2, 2011 1:45:14 GMT -5
If I win, great, but I won't be upset. Now, against The Star Trek ones, which I have read by the way, I might be a little bumed out.